Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just Startin' Out

This is my first craft show, and getting ready for it is exactly how I thought it would be. My fingers are cramped, I'm sleep deprived, and cranky. I know it will be worth it in the end, so I'm working as hard as I can. It has felt more like work than a creative outlet. I'm sure thats normal, but I miss the relaxed feeling of just sitting back and making stuff without pressure. Thats why I hesitated to do craft shows. At some point you have to take that leap. My hands off husband is even helping out! I'm so proud of him. He has started cleaning the house, and taking care of dinner for me, so that I have more time to concentrate on my work. (thanks babe!)


  1. The 1st one is always the hardest, you never think you are fully prepared, or at least I sure didn' You will get thru it! Good luck and sell tons!

  2. Good luck with your first craft show, and have fun.

  3. Congratulations on your 1st show! :) Remember not to be too tough on yourself when you realize those things that 'you should have done'

    A checklist works wonder for me.

  4. It will all pay off when the first sales come through! Smile and keep your chin up! Good luck!

  5. Good luck! I'm planning to venture out into craft shows next year. :)

  6. Good Luck! They can be so much fun.

  7. It WILL be worth it, you've put so much work in!
    Respect to your husband, makes all the difference having some support :0)

  8. I have never done a craft show for just the same reason! I can't wait to hear how it worked for you :) I hope you have nice weather and a great crowd.

    Renee :)

  9. Well it sounds like you have a good support system. You just hang in there and remember why you ever started doing it in the first place. Good Luck!!!

  10. Hi there! I think everyone is nervous about doing their first craft show. The anticipation of how your items will be received and having to meet people one on one can be a bit nerve racking.
    You make beautiful pieces and I'm sure you won't have any problems selling them:)
    Good luck! :-))

  11. Oh, good luck! I can completely imagine your exhaustion, and hope you can still enjoy it all even thought the work is tough right now! Bet it will be great in the end.
